Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I almost lose my life to an irresponsible motorcyclist. I was crossing the road with my Grandma at the pedestrian cross at Kelawai Road. And that guy who is blind enough not to see the RED light sped off and almost knock me off.

Another stranger who was crossing the road from the opposite shouted at him. My Grandma was like, stunted for 5 seconds. And then told me, next time it is best to make sure that the cars and motorcycles STOPS before I make the cross.

I'm wondering how does the Driving Schools teach their (L) learners nowadays? How does the JPJ (Road/Transport Safety Department) pass these students nowadays? Or is this just plainly they do not care of their own or others life?

What is the use of the Government spending so much money to educate these people of Road Safety. This is such a disgrace. Comparing of locals with foreigners who drives/rides in Malaysia, I feel pity for the Malaysians as they just do not realise how precious their life is. It is simply ignorance in them whereby they have an attitude of 'tidak apa' (just don't care).

Foreigners are more cautious and aware no matter where they are. They go abide the rules. What about us? Have we ever look into ourself and ask, "What IF I lose my life today?", "What will happen to my family?", "Who is going to take care of my parents?" and etc.

Road safety awareness should be instill into each and everyone. They should be educate from a young age. People should appreciate life. It is precious and we should learn to love ourself. If you can't love yourself, how could people love you and how are you gonna love others. Think before you act!

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