Monday, December 13, 2010

AnOtHeR cHaPtEr Of My LiFe

Life has always been colourful as it shines upon you. I never thought I would say this but right now, I am gonna say I LOVE LIFE!!!

All this while, over this time that I had spent on Earth, I had always thought life is dark and it is full on threats. Somehow or rather, I realise today that life happens with the creation of Him. And with Him, I am able to see such a beautiful world that gives me so much experience. 

I was in the midst of playing with a game yesterday when I read a post by Isaac Tan, that mentioned about Periyashini Sivalingam who met with an accident along Scotland Road early in the morning on December 12th, 2010 at about approximately 0500hrs. 

When I was in the ward taking assignment that evening, I saw her and I had all sorts of feeling in within. I tear when I came out of the room she was warded on my way home. An 18 year old young lady, who drove her car with all hearts and patience of fetching her father to the hospital early in the morning for haemodialysis crash her car into a divider. 

How could I not appreciate life before this? How could I have wasted all my time on crazy silly things that someone might not even had the chance to spent their life another minute on Earth.

From now on, there will be no more wasting of time. And I will work hard towards what ever that I have started. The Lord from above, I know He will always look upon all of us. 

I pray and hope that Periyashini Sivalingam, a student of Diploma Nursing in Penang Adventist Hospital will be recovered as soon as possible and be able to return home to her family and to continue her journey in Nursing career.  May the Holy Angels be with her and her family providing them with strength and His healing hands cast upon her. In the name of our saviour, Jesus Christ, AMEN!

We also urge that if there is anyone out there who is 'O positive' blood' kindly come over to Penang Adventist Hospital Blood Bank to donate blood for her. She needs the blood URGENTLY for her surgeries. The Penang Adventist Hospital Blood Bank is open on Monday-Thursday 0800-1630 hours, Friday & Sunday 0800-1230 hours. Lunch hour on Monday-Thursday is at 1300-1400hours is close and work resumes at 1400 hours.

Thank you so much. Drive safely and always remember your family members are awaiting for you back home. 

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