Wednesday, November 14, 2012


A SIMPLE GIRL WITH SIMPLE LIFE!: Sex: What does sex really means to all of you?? Well, there are people who just take it as fun. Some says it's for pleasure of both. Some says...

1 comment:

  1. Sex o.o gender? Having sex is like just for the sake of getting pleasure and the person might not mean anything at all. Sex is only for that one moment..

    Making love on the other hand is different. It requires both to commit to make it happen. To give and to accept wholeheartedly. The feeling you get when you see such satisfaction in your partner and you're glad you did it and you wanna do it better just for that one person. Thinking of new ways to spice it up. Making love to produce kids..making love to keep the relationship going. Making love to appreciate that persons body? o.o

    That's how I personally think, sorry for the bad explanation. I'm not good at it but yea I guess that's about it.
